Julian T


This book accompanies the homonym art project by the artist Julian Tiscione, presented the first time on the occasion of the 52° Venice Biennial. Studio Prodesign creates a mesmeric experience, designing a tailor-made catalogue.


It’s futurist but not provocative. It provokes but causes no outrage. It’s outrageous because it turns a gesture into absolute beauty. It’s “impact”, highly emotional painting. It was conceived by Julian T., he  jumped on a zeppelin during the Venice Biennial, an early bird with respect to the project of a dummy advertising campaign devised by the Mexican artist Héctor Zamora, the Zeppelin Swam. Julian turns a challenge into possibility, like the one to sign his application to the lagoon by having a colour bowl falling from the sky.

A black patch is his expressive monogram, a graphical and calligraphic sketch. […] Julian is chasing a new way of producing art. He knows the alchemic and Zen lessons imparted by the masters of performance of the sixties, and applies them with confidence within a wide spectrum of updated linguistic possibilities. He grew up in open source civilization, which rewards visual competition with a teaser approach, where the winner is the highest formal synthesis capable of combining curiosity with emotiveness.

Luca Beatrice

We’ve designed this book in close dialogue with the curator Luca Beatrice, thinking of it as a full-bodied object dressed in a lenticular changing shade, using a striking typography to create a strong visual language that ties everything together with impact.

Graphic design


Curated by
Luca Beatrice

Sergio Pappalettera
Studio Prodesign

Alexo Athanasios
Fulvio Rosso
Daniele Nalesso

Fulvio Giglio
Claudia Amato


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